About Us
A place where all staff and students are part of the CREW
A Nurturing Environment
As you enter our building, you will instantly feel the nurturing environment that our children experience every day, as evidenced by the smiling faces of students and staff. Lincoln Park is an extension of your family and we are grateful for the opportunity to give your child the best possible educational experience. As you walk through our halls, CREW expectation posters remind all of us of our commitment to a positive learning environment. Lincoln Park Elementary has been part of the MiBlisi Grant (Michigan Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative grant) for many years and our positive behavior system is well-established. At Lincoln Park, every member of our school community is a learner, from students to staff to parents. Our mission as a district and elementary building is to inspire excellence, build character, and impact the future through academics, arts, and athletics!
We Welcome Our Parents
Parent volunteers are always welcomed into the building to help make a difference in your child or another child’s learning day. With the strong support of our families and PTO, our children come to school where a lifelong love of learning is fostered. If you are interested in joining us as partners in learning at Lincoln Park, please call or visit our school for additional information.