In the spirit of helping those in need, we have decided to collect items for Every Woman's Place this holiday season. This will be in lieu of classroom gift exchanges. We will be collecting needed items by grade level. If your family would like to participate, please send in the following with your students:
Kindergarten: Paper Products (plates, bowls, cups, tissues, paper towel)
1st Grade: Highlighters, Sharpies, Dry Erase Markers, Colored Computer Paper
2nd Grade: Hair ties, Shampoo, Conditioner, Brushes, Combs
3rd Grade: Body Wash, Body Spray, Deodorant
4th Grade: Diapers, Pull-Ups, Baby Wipes
5th Grade: Cleaning Products (antibacterial wipes, bleach, disinfectant spray)
Donations will be accepted in boxes outside the office until Friday, December 13th. Thank you, and have a wonderful holiday season!