Good afternoon Sailors!

Attached you will find the Week’s Events Calendar for the upcoming activities at MSHS.

  • Week’s Events Calendar
  • No Late Start Wednesday, January 15
  • MLK day January 20 - No School in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. 
  • SNOCO Spirit Week January 21-24, Dance 1/25 7-10 pm
  • Parent Teacher Conference: Thursday, January 23  4-7 pm 

Good luck to the MSHS Business Professionals of 

America Team members as they compete at Regionals and strive to advance to the State and National levels.

Big thanks to Mrs. Sailors, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Claussen, Mr. 

Droski for their support of these talented students! 

Rachel Arbib, Sydney Austin, Sophie Brown, LaMarion Brown-Franklin, Chris Farhat, Shelton Guthrie,

Ansley Hayward, Koen Holman, Jax Holmberg, Lily Knowlton, Veer Saini, Connor Smillie, Thomas Sperry, Evey Strait, Roxy VanderWall, Ryan Zhao

MSHS Parent Teacher Conference

Thursday, January 23, 2025, 4 - 7pm

 A great opportunity to check in with teachers as we are at the mid way point of the 2nd Trimester. 

Please complete the sign up genius tool to reserve your time slot with your student’s teachers.  

           PT Sign Up Genius Tool - Thursday, January 23, 2025

           If you have any questions regarding connecting with your child's teacher for

conferences please contact Mrs. Traci Wyman. Her email address is wymant@monashores.net.

Sailors, join us for a special event to honor the achievements 

of Alumni Jordan Walker on January 10 at 7 pm in the Sailor Center. 

Save the Date: SNOCO Winter Dance

Sponsored by the Sophomore Senate

Saturday, January 25 HS Cafe 7-10 pm

Tickets will go on sale Wednesday, January 15th at 8:00 am and will stop on Friday, January 24th at 3:00 pm. 

Ticket Price is $15.

SNOCO Spirit Week January 21-24

Counseling Office News

It's Scheduling Season for 2025-26 school year 

Student scheduling will begin Thursday, January 16th, 2025. Similar to last year, ALL students will receive scheduling instructions at the same time during the meeting period. Students will bring home a Course Request Form. Instructions and video will be available within the student's Counseling Google Classroom.

The following scheduling time frame will be followed:


Counselor-Student Meetings / Course Selection Return Dates


Tuesday, January 21 - Friday, January 24


Monday, January 27 - Friday, January 31


Monday, February 3 - Friday, February 7

Career Exploration Resource

Sophomore CTC Tour - January 13

Sophomores will take a trip to tour the Career Tech Center on Monday, Jan 13. Students will be dismissed from their first hour at 8:05 to board buses and will return to school at approximately 10:35. If your student requires special accommodations for the field trip, please fill out this form. During a presentation from the CTC principal and counselor recently, 10th graders chose some of the programs they wanted to visit during their tour. Check in with your student to see what they selected! If you’d like to learn more about the programs offered, the CTC will be hosting an Open House on February 10 from 4:00pm-7:00pm. More information will be forthcoming. 

Job Shadow

Interested in a possible job shadow opportunity or a way to know more about specific careers? You can try reaching out to our county's Career Specialist, Stephen Pettifor. Visit the chatbot in the lower right hand corner of the website to get some questions answered or connect with him individually through the "Contact" link on the website to see what resources he might have for you.

Trades Spotlight- Drywalling

SENIORS-  Preparing to enter the trades after graduation takes just as much preparation as heading off to college.  You should be applying NOW for apprenticeships or entrance into training programs.  Some programs have long waitlists.  One profession that is often overlooked is drywalling, a hands-on job with competitive entry level pay.  It’s a skill that can eventually be turned into a career that approaches a six-figure income.  Check out the link below for information from the West Michigan Construction Institute in Grand Rapids.

The Art of Drywall Installation

Use the link above to view a job description, career progression with pay estimates, testimonials from experts in the field, and information on training.  Reach out to WMCI for a tour today!

College Planning

Promise Scholar News - check out the Promise Scholarship Updates. More money is now available to help with books and materials for Promise Scholars! Complete the FAFSA each year to maintain eligibility.


FAFSA is open! College-bound seniors should complete the 25-26 FAFSA to determine your eligibility for college grants, scholarships, and loans. MI Student Aid has a lot of information available for students and families!

FAFSA Night - Monday, January 13, 2025 @ 6:00-7:30 pm. GVSU Financial Aid will be coming to Mona Shores to give a presentation about the FAFSA followed by a short workshop. You can come for the presentation only, or you can stay to get help with your FAFSA! This will be held in the high school Library/Media Center (LMC). It would be beneficial for you to have your FSA ID ahead of time. Parents and students EACH need their own FSA ID. Click here for information about this.

Parents Guide to the Parent Section of FAFSA


Please go to our scholarship page to see many more available scholarships at:  https://www.monashores.net/o/mshs/page/financial-aid-and-scholarships.  Scholarship notices are posted throughout the building, on our website, on the daily announcements and in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom. *Note the Community Foundation Scholarship application is due SOON on January 21!


Seniors, request your transcript through Parchment AFTER your college application is submitted. There is a link at the bottom of the Mona Shores High School Counseling webpage. Account setup instructions can also be found there. Transcript orders are free for graduating seniors through July 31. 

SAT Test Preparation:

Students may utilize Khan Academy.  khanacademy.org Please see Mr. Higgs in the LMC for more information about this free service.  

Updates and Reminders:

  • MSHS Clubs and Activities:  MSHS Club Descriptions  New!  Pickleball, Relay for Life, and creative writing club.
  • Extended Day Academic support: Need a quiet space to work on a project/homework. Need additional support from a Core teacher, please join us at Extended day. Location: LMC Time: 3:00- 3:45 pm. Monday thru Thursday. 
  • Senior Celebration for the Class of 2025 post graduation event Mona Shores Senior Celebration Un-Fundraiser
  • Seniors Please sign up for the Senior Celebration Post-Graduation Party Senior Party Letter 2025

 If you are ever concerned about the safety or well being of a student. Please access the link. This is a confidential site that is monitored by the Michigan State Police. Assistance is quickly available.Confidential Safety Tip Form

Mental Health resources for families:

For Sailor information please visit the HS web page www.monashores.net. To catch all of the Sailor Action follow us on the New MSPS App, twitter and facebook. @mshspride and @MonaShoresAthletics  Download the Mona Shores App today! Just search Mona Shores in the App Store or Google Play Store to stay up to date with all things Mona Shores.

Have a wonderful Weekend! 

Sailors, Just Own It! 

The Power of Belief in Self and Team 

Follow the Sailor Action @mshspride @monashoresathletics

#OneCommunity #SailorPRIDE  #BeKind