We are thrilled to start the 2023-2024 school year and see students in classrooms and hallways soon. We are elated to hear the sounds of recess, lunch, shoes squeaking in the gym, and laughter from students collaborating in classrooms. We are honored and inspired more than ever to serve our students and community in not only learning, but also creating connections, memories, and overall wellness. It is going to be a great year! Below you will find important information to start the school year:
Kindergarten Parents ONLY:
The first day of school will start at 9:30am for kindergarten students only. We understand that the first day for a kindergartener can be difficult, not only for the child, but also for the parents. This will allow you and your child the opportunity to experience how drop off will work without all the other cars present. It will slow things down, allow students to focus on the procedures, and ease some anxiety that the first day of school brings.
Please plan to use the Kindergarten Lot which is located on Leon, at the southern corner of the school. Your child’s kindergarten teacher and other support staff will be waiting in this area to greet each new student as they exit their car.
Your child will need to eat breakfast at home since school is starting later for them on the first day. Going forward, your child may continue to eat at home OR arrive for breakfast at 8:10 am.
Parents are invited to join our current PTO members for “Boo Hoo Breakfast” immediately after dropping your child off at school. If you wish to meet and mingle with other parents after drop off, please enter through the front office with your identification to get a visitor’s badge.
Welcome Letters/Supply Lists:
Classroom placement information with printed supply lists will be mailed the week of August 21st.
Supply lists were also sent with final report cards in the spring and a general list can be found on our website and by clicking here.
Open House:
Wednesday, August 30th from 4:30pm - 6:00pm.
When transporting your own child to school, please plan to arrive between 8:10 - 8:23. School personnel will be on hand to guide students to their correct lines and monitor them beginning at 8:10 each morning. Students are not permitted to be left unattended prior to 8:10 each day.
Please know that the playground will be closed both before and after school. Students should be instructed to walk directly to their classroom lines located on the playground.
As parking is sparse, and as we are trying to avoid large crowds on the playground as much as possible, we ask that parents remain in their cars and drop students in their designated area/loop.
Kindergarten ONLY Parking Lot - found on the south end of the building accessed from Leon Street. Only Kindergarten parents are permitted to park in this lot to aid in the arrival and dismissal process of our youngest CREW members.
1-2 student loop is in front of the building along Leon. Students can be safely dropped here and walk to the playground.
3-5 student loop is along Lincoln Park Drive. Students can be safely dropped here and walk around the building to the playground.
Please note that parents are not permitted to enter the new bus loop and new staff parking lot accessed off of Lincoln Park Drive.
Arrival after 8:30 am is considered tardy and students will need to enter through the office using the office parking lot found on the corner of Leon Street and Lincoln Park Drive.
Children riding the bus to school will be met by school personnel who will help them enter the building safely at 8:25.
Due to a lack of parking and in an effort to avoid further confusion at dismissal time, we ask that all parents remain in their cars and follow the school protocols for student pick up by entering one of our traffic loops.
ALL vehicle traffic for 1-2 (and older siblings) student pickup is to arrive from southbound LEON (enter via McCraken to Plainfield); line up along the southbound shoulder, and enter into the east lot. This is a single lane loop.
All vehicle traffic for student pickup in grades 3-5 without younger siblings, is to arrive by traveling east on Lincoln Park Drive and enter the 3-5 traffic loop. This is a single lane loop.
Kindergarten ONLY Parking Lot - found on the south end of the building accessed from Leon Street. Only Kindergarten parents are permitted to park in this lot to aid in the arrival and dismissal process of our youngest CREW members.
We ask that all parents remain in their cars and follow the school protocols for student pick up. It is vital that parents do not park in areas marked with No Parking signs along the streets surrounding the school. Due to safety, students should not cross the street unattended to enter cars. Additionally, students are not permitted to load cars on the street. Please note there is no legal parking on Lincoln Park or Leon.
Sailor Care students will go to their designated space in the cafeteria.
Staff supervision/guidance will be provided during these times.
Food Service:
Students may opt to receive a free breakfast in the cafeteria between 8:10am - 8:25am each day. Students wishing to eat school breakfast should be dropped off in their normal loop (described above) at 8:10. They will access the cafeteria through the doors on the playground.
Students will all receive a free lunch each day if they do not bring a home lunch.
All classroom volunteers and field trip chaperones will need to make arrangements with their classroom teacher.
Part of this process requires each volunteer to complete an ICHAT form ahead of time (this form will be shared in later communications).
All visitors and volunteers are required to present their photo ID as part of the sign-in process in the main office, with each visit to the building.
Birthday Treats and Parties:
If you desire to provide a treat for the class on your child’s birthday, please contact your child’s teacher ahead of time and ask about any food allergies in the class. They will also let you know a time that works with the classroom schedule. Please avoid red colored juice or punch as this can stain the carpeting.
If you are planning a party at your home, please mail invitations rather than distribute invitations at school, unless all children (or all boys or all girls) in the classroom are invited.
If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours, you must fill out an authorization medical form in our main office prior to school starting. Medications must be in the original and most recent prescription bottle with the prescription specifications clearly stated. If over the counter medications are needed to be kept at school, these must be in new, unopened bottles.
If your child has a life threatening health condition, such as a severe food allergy, please alert our main office so that we can complete the necessary forms, to ensure your child has a safety plan in place at school.
Noon Monitor Needed:
We are currently looking for a noon monitor. This awesome opportunity to work at LP for 2 ½ hours each day assisting students in the lunchroom and monitoring students at recess is a great way to get involved at school. If you or someone you know is interested, please call the front office.
We have worked hard to ensure a positive start to the 2022-2023 school year and are so very excited to welcome you all back to Lincoln Park. We look forward to partnering together to provide our students the best learning experience this school year!
Principal, Lincoln Park Elementary