Happy Friday Lincoln Park Families,
March is a busy month of Reading activities and Parent Teacher Conferences. Please check your School Connect and email messages regularly to ensure you stay up to date. As March begins, please find the following information helpful.
March is Reading Month:.
You should receive a parent communication packet explaining our exciting March Is Reading Month activities including our One School, One Book family engagement reading program.
There will be a chance for you to win a family gift basket by returning the parent commitment letter on Monday, March 4.
The oldest child in each family will also be bringing home your family’s copy of our read aloud book of the month, Charlotte’s Web. You will be asked to follow the reading schedule with your student by reading at home each evening, throughout the month of March.
Be sure to send pictures of your family reading the book and participating in the activities suggested in the calendar provided in the packet.
At LP, we are excited to spend the month celebrating reading!
March Breakfast and Lunch Menus found here.
Click here for Lincoln Park Dates “At A Glance.”
Our growth mindset for the month of March is “I can exercise my BRAIN!”
Art to Remember orders have been sent home. This is your opportunity to purchase items with your student’s artwork. These make great Mother’s Day gifts!
Substitute Noon Monitors needed:
If you love spending time with students and want to fill in when one of our cafeteria staff needs to be away for the day, please call the front office and let us know. We’d love to have a list of parents who are available to help out in the lunchroom and at recess as needed between 11:00 - 1:20.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
Our spring opportunity for teacher/parent conferences are quickly approaching. Teachers will be sending out individual sign ups on Friday, March 1. Be on the lookout for this communication from your student’s teacher and sign up right away. 100% participation is our goal.
Kindergarten Registration:
If you have a child that will be 5 years old on or before September 1, it is time to begin preparing for your child's first day of Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year! Please complete the online registration form at monashores.net/student enrollment/ and bring the required documents to your elementary building to complete the process.
KickStart Savings Account - March Incentive:
Look for a reading log in the March Parent Packet sent home with your student today.
During the month of March, for every 15 minutes a student reads, they will write the title of the book and color in a blank coin to fill your piggy bank.
Once filled, please return these forms to school. We will turn them in and $5 will be added to the student’s KickStart savings account! Due to the main office by April 5th for the reward.
Hearing and Vision Screening:
Public Health Muskegon County is scheduled to provide our students with Hearing and Vision testing the week of March 18, 2024. A rescreen day is scheduled for April 18, 2024. Public health Muskegon will notify you if your child does not pass.
Grades K, 2, and 4 will receive hearing screens
Grades 1, 3, and 5 will receive vision screens
If you wish to NOT have your child screened, please notify the office by Friday, March 15, 2024.
Kindergarten/1st Grade Parents - Please complete and return the permission to bill Medicaid form that was sent home with your child today if applicable.
PTO News:
Family Literacy Night: Tonight! Friday, March 1 from 6 - 8. Come enjoy a free night of literacy related activities planned by our PTO and teachers. Critter Barn will be here, weather permitting, so dress appropriately to be outside as well as inside to enjoy this fun event.
Please join our PTO for the next meeting on Tuesday, February 13 at 6:30PM in the library. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but are interested in giving input or helping out, please contact our PTO: lincolnparkptocrew@gmail.com
Preschool Open House:
Mona Shores Tuition Preschool is hosting a preschool open house on March 6th from 5-6:30 PM.
If you have an upcoming preschooler, you are invited in to see our new early childhood center and visit preschool classrooms located at Ross Park Elementary, before registration begins at the end of March.
Click here for more information.
Upcoming Events:
Every Monday of the school year - 2:00 Dismissal
Every Tuesday of the school year - Positive T-Shirt Tuesday
Friday, March 8: CREW assemblies - wear CREW blue today
Friday, March 8: Kids Night Out - paid event at LP to support our graduating class of 2024 see email and registration previously sent
Tuesday, March 12: PTO meeting at 6:30 PM
Friday, March 15 - Reports Cards will be viewable on PowerSchool
Wednesday, March 27: Be Nice Day at LP
Thursday, March 28: ½ Day with 11:45 Dismissal
Thursday, March 28: Dress like your favorite character from Charlotte’s Web -or- dress like a farmer
Friday, March 29 - Sunday, April 7: Spring Break - No School
Monday, April 8: Return to School
Have a great weekend!
Shari Ralston and the Lincoln Park CREW