Welcome Back Lincoln Park Families,
We have successfully completed the first ½ day of the 24-25 school year! Additionally, it was great to see so many of you at Open House! School resumes on Tuesday, September 3 . The whole Lincoln Park CREW is excited to be back together once again!
Good News:
We are happy to welcome some changes and new additions to our staff:
Tim Zinger has left his fifth grade classroom and transitioned into the role of Technology.
Claire Brown has joined the fifth grade team, with many years of experience under her belt.
Charity Bean has moved from our building substitute to our new first grade teacher.
Spring Dudley has officially joined our team as a paraprofessional after subbing in this role last year.
Janie Mertz, our before and after school Sailor Care worker, has opted to join our noon monitor staff.
School hours this year:
Arrive between 8:10 and 8:20 and enter by 8:25 with the help of LP staff members. Students may not be dropped off prior to 8:10 each morning.
Monday dismissal is 2:00.
Tuesday through Friday dismissal is 3:35.
Breakfast and lunch are both free to all students all year long. Students electing to eat breakfast will enter the cafeteria from the playground, so all students are dropped off in their normal loops and walk to the playground, as always. September Breakfast and Lunch Menus linked here.
Click here for Lincoln Park Dates “At A Glance.”
Office Family Emails will be sent the last Friday of each month for the remainder of the year.
Parents wishing to help in the classroom or on field trips this school year should complete the yearly required ICHAT form and return it to the office with your photo ID. 2024-2025 Ichat
Playground use outside of school hours:
The playground is closed prior to school each day.
The playground is reserved for Sailor Care use each day after school until at least 4:30.
General Reminders:
Flip flops are not desired footwear for school. Multiple students get injured toes at school, trip while running on the playground, or have to call home for different shoes when they break. Please avoid sending your child to school wearing flip flops.
It is time to update your emergency contact information and fill out the annual forms online, through the Parent Portal. You can access the Parent Portal at www.monashores.net and by clicking the parent portal tab under the picture on the right hand side of the screen..
Arrival/Dismissal Reminders:
Please remain in cars in the drop off areas and keep the traffic moving as safely as possible.
Be sure students only exit and load on the passenger side, closest to the sidewalk.
Be sure to pull as far forward as possible in the yellow “drop and load zone” during arrival and dismissal.
Remember that students will find you at dismissal, you should not stop where you see your child, but should pull as far forward as possible to ease traffic congestion. Your child will walk to where you stop and load there. Once your child unloads in the morning, or loads in the afternoon, you may cautiously pull into the left lane to exit the load zone if the cars in front of you aren’t moving.
Our updated Traffic Map will guide your arrival and dismissal routine each day.
Little Lending Library:
This wonderful Little Lending Library is a memorial to Maria Conrad, a former Lincoln Park kindergartner who passed away in 2016.
This summer, the PTO refurbished the structure and hope to continue to spread the love of reading to children through its use:
You may “trade” as many books as you like.
Please do not “take” more than 3 at a time.
Donations can be made directly to the library itself.
Upcoming Events:
Every Monday of the school year - 2:00 Dismissal
Every Tuesday of the school year - Positive T-Shirt Tuesday
Tuesday, September 10: Pizza with the PTO at 6:00.
Thursday, Sept. 12: Picture Day. Return your envelope with payment on this day.
Thursday, Sept. 19: Be Nice Day
Friday, September 20: Red, White, and Blue Day / Sailor Salute Football Game
Tuesday, Sept. 24: Picture Retake Day
Friday, Sept. 27: CREW assembly - wear CREW blue, and Walk A Thon Kick Off
Monday, Sept. 30 - Fri. Oct. 4, : Spirit Week (Details will be shared by teachers as the week approaches)
Have a great long weekend!
See you on Tuesday!
Shari Ralston and the Lincoln Park CREW