Happy Fall Lincoln Park Families,
We are off to a phenomenal start of the school year. Hard to believe we have completed 21 school days together already. As we look forward to October, please find the following information helpful.
Good News:
On Friday, we celebrated positive behaviors in the first CREW assembly of this school year. Students were recognized for their positive behaviors in and out of the classroom. As a way to celebrate the first successful month of school, classes will enjoy an extra recess this week.
We also kicked off our annual Ride With Pride initiative in partnership with Norton Shores Police Department. Students brought home their pledge forms on Friday. Please return them this week in order for your student to be eligible for the end of year prizes awarded for this yearly program. We appreciate our NSPD partners!
October Breakfast and Lunch Menus found here.
Click here for Lincoln Park Dates “At A Glance.”
Our growth mindset for the month of October is “My brain can grow”. Teachers will encourage students by reminding them.
School Communications:
To ensure you don’t miss important reminders and communications, you will need to opt into school text notifications.
Please take a moment to text YES to 67587.
Arrival, Pick Up, and Parking Reminders:
We are having some difficulty with traffic and we need your help. Please cooperate by remembering and following proper protocols regarding drop off and pick up all year:
The front office parking area on the corner of Leon and Lincoln Park should remain open and free at dismissal. Students should not be getting picked up here unless prior arrangements to do so have been made with the front office.
Please follow all posted traffic signs, including the no parking areas on Leon and Lincoln Park Drive. These areas are marked with no parking because crossing the street here to load students is unsafe and causes congestion
Be sure to pull as far forward as possible in the yellow “drop and load zone” during arrival and dismissal.
General Reminders:
Call the office to report student absences each day your child will be out.
If you see a red flag hanging near the front office entrance (visible from the upper elementary traffic loop) and in the mid-point in the lower elementary traffic loop, this indicates that students should come directly into the building, no earlier than 8:10, instead of waiting in their lines on the playground. Staff will be on hand to direct students on these days.
School Hours Reminder:
Our attendance goal is to have students arrive on time and remain all day when students are feeling well enough for school.
Ideal times are between 8:10 - 8:23 for drop off. If your child is eating breakfast at school, 8:10 is the best time for drop off to ensure they have time to eat prior to the start of the day.
Please note that students may not arrive at school or be dropped off prior to 8:10. Staff members will be present at 8:10 to begin welcoming students out of their cars.
Please avoid picking up your student early at the end of the day unless necessary for an appointment. Students leaving early each day near dismissal time cause interruptions to the classroom and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Parent Teacher Conferences:
We are beginning to plan for this year’s Parent Teacher Conferences.
You should have received communication from your student’s teacher with specific sign up opportunities on Friday.
100% participation is the goal, so please sign up today with the link your student’s teacher sent.
PTO News/Walk-A-Thon:
Our Walk-A-Thon is scheduled for Friday, October 11.
Money donations are due Monday, October 7.
Change Wars will be Oct. 7-11. The class bringing in the most change will earn an opportunity to have donuts with a NSPD officer.
We hope many of you will be able to join us on this day. Click here for a schedule and more details.
This year we will be celebrating Halloween at school on Thursday, October 31.
This will be a celebration for students, staff, and parents/guardians.
Teachers will be sending out details about each individual classroom celebration in the coming weeks.
All students are able to wear costumes to school for the day. We encourage parents to simplify costumes that will allow students to accomplish academic tasks throughout the day.
As you plan costumes, remember no weapons of any kinds, as well as no blood or masks are allowed to be present on costumes.
Upcoming Events:
Every Monday of the school year - 2:00 Dismissal
Every Tuesday of the school year - Positive T-Shirt Tuesday
Tuesday, October 8: PTO meeting at 6 PM
Thursday, October 10: Be Nice Day!
Friday, October 11: Walk-A-Thon
Monday, Oct.14 - Friday, Oct. 18: Fall Break - no school
Tuesday, October 31: Halloween - details to follow
Friday, November 1: CREW assembly - wear CREW blue
Have a great weekend!
Shari Ralston and the Lincoln Park CREW