Happy Fall Lincoln Park Families,
We want to extend thanks to all who took the time out of their busy schedules to meet with our staff to discuss your students and our shared goal of student success at our recent Parent Teacher Conferences. We are thrilled to report that we achieved a nearly 100% attendance rate. We also want to thank all of our families who helped make the Halloween celebrations a success by attending or helping out with materials needed to make the day a success.
As we look forward to November, please find the following information helpful.
Good News:
Today, we celebrated positive behaviors in the second CREW assembly of this school year. Students were recognized for their positive behaviors in and out of the classroom. As a way to celebrate the successful month of school, all CREW members will enjoy some free time on their Chromebooks.
November Breakfast and Lunch Menus found here.
Click here for Lincoln Park Dates “At A Glance.”
Our growth mindset for the month of November is “When I struggle I grow”. Teachers will remind students that doing work that feels hard and takes effort is part of the learning process.
General Reminders:
Call the office to report student absences each day your child will be out.
Please write your child’s name or initials inside their lunchbox, coat, mittens, hats, etc… We have many lost and found items brought to the office each day, and this increases the odds that your child’s items will be returned to them when they misplace them.
Kickstart to Career Information:
Our Initial parent information packet to kick off this year’s Kickstart to Career Bank Deposits will be sent home on November 8. For more information about this community program, watch the attached parent video.
We have scheduled a Kickstart to Career Bank Deposit Day for November 14. For an explanation of Deposit Day, watch this video explaining deposit day. Those wishing to make a deposit to their account should return the deposit envelopes with money inside, on this date.
PTO News:
Our Walk-A-Thon was a smashing success! Thank you to the PTO and Walk-A-Thon committee for planning and running a fun day for all students. It was great to see so many families join us on this day! Our collective effort raised $40,888.84. AMAZING!!
In celebration of this amazing feat, the whole school earned a day of fun with bounce houses on October 25.
Ms. Mandy’’s class won the change wars to earn Donuts with an NSPD officers this week.
Mrs. Szatkowski’s class brought in the most dollars, and earned a pizza party last week as a prize.
Please join our PTO for the next meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 6 PM in the library. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but are interested in giving input or helping out, please contact our PTO: lincolnparkptocrew@gmail.com
Please save the date and plan to attend our movie night on November 15th at 6 PM. Please note this is a family event, and ALL students must have a parent or guardian present in order to attend.
Upcoming Events:
Every Monday of the school year - 2:00 Dismissal
Every Tuesday of the school year - Positive T-Shirt Tuesday
Monday, November 11: 4th grade Veterans Day Program @ MSHS 6:30
Tuesday, November 12: PTO meeting at 6:00 PM.
Thursday, November 14: Bank Deposit Day 1st - 5th
Thursday, November 13: Be Nice Day/ World Kindness Day
Friday, November 15: PTO Fall Movie Night begins at 6
Wednesday, November 27: ½ Day with 11:45 Dismissal
Thursday & Friday, Nov. 28-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
Have a great weekend!
Shari Ralston and the Lincoln Park CREW