Happy New Year Lincoln Park Families,
The LP CREW hope all of our CREW families had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are excited to be back and begin 2025 together as a school family. As January approaches, please find the following information helpful.
Good News:
It was great to see so many families in the building to celebrate the holiday season with us through our concerts and class parties. As always, we thank you for your support and partnership.
Thank you to all of our generous families who donated Toys for Tots this year. Because of your generosity, we were able to make a significant contribution to this worthy cause.
January Breakfast and Lunch Menus found here.
Click here for Lincoln Park Dates “At A Glance.”
Our growth mindset for the month of January is “I get SMARTER when I PRACTICE”. Teachers will remind students that practice results in growth.
Please join our PTO for the next meeting on Tuesday, January 14 at 6 PM in the library. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but are interested in giving input or helping out, please contact our PTO: lincolnparkptocrew@gmail.com
Be Nice:
Lincoln Park has 1 day each month when classroom teachers devote some time to intentional teaching of Be Nice lessons. Students learn to Notice, Invite, Challenge, and Empower to promote awareness around and prevent bullying. This month, we are devoting a whole week to this important endeavor and drawing attention to it with a Spirit Week beginning on January 21. Be on the lookout for more details as the date approaches.
Important Recess Reminders:
As winter weather season is upon us, be sure to send in a pair of shoes for students to wear in the classroom. Snow boots cause unnecessary messes in the classroom and are not comfortable for students to wear the whole day.
Please send students to school prepared for our outdoor recesses each day with appropriate outdoor clothing: hats, mittens, boots, and snow pants. Lunch recess is 20 minutes M-F and students have an additional 30 minutes of outside play T-F. This time is much more enjoyable when students are dressed appropriately for the winter weather. Students will have outdoor recess unless the air temperature or wind chill is 5 degrees or below.
Parent Transportation:
Thank you to all parents and students who respectfully follow our morning and afternoon CREW expectations. We appreciate your commitment to helping our arrival and dismissal run smoothly at LP!
Morning Reminders-
Ideal times for arrival are between 8:10 - 8:23 for drop off. If your child is eating breakfast at school, 8:10 is the best time for drop off to ensure they have time to eat prior to the start of the day.
Please note that students may not arrive at school or be dropped off prior to 8:10. Staff members will be present at 8:10 to begin welcoming students out of their cars.Students may arrive at school beginning at 8:10.
Many parents are arriving later than this drop off window and we ask your cooperation in setting your alarm a few minutes earlier to avoid dropping off at the front doors at this time.
Dismissal Reminders-
Dismissal is 2:00 every Monday and 3:35 Tuesday - Friday. On time and prompt pick up is expected each day.
Please avoid picking up your student early at the end of the day unless necessary for an appointment.
The front office parking area on the corner of Leon and Lincoln Park should remain open and free at dismissal.
Please follow all posted traffic signs, including the no parking areas on Leon and Lincoln Park Drive across from the Kindergarten parking lot. These areas are marked with no parking because crossing the street here to load students is unsafe and causes congestion.
Be sure to pull as far forward as possible in the yellow “drop and load zone” during arrival and dismissal.
Girls On the Run:
Practices begin in February for those already registered.
We are looking for coaches for Girls on the Run. Please register at the links below. Any questions can be sent to szatkowskia@monashores.net .
Upcoming Events:
Every Monday of the school year - 2:00 Dismissal
Every Tuesday of the school year - Positive T-Shirt Tuesday
Monday, January 6: School Resumes
Tuesday, January 14: PTO meeting at 6:00 PM
Monday, January 20: No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 21 - Friday, January 24 - Be Nice Spirit Week
Monday, January 27 - Wednesday, January 29 - 5th Grade Cookie Sale
Friday, January 31: CREW assemblies - wear CREW blue
Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!
Shari Ralston and the Lincoln Park CREW